
 Welcome to KIP by SRK National and International days  World Health Day World Health Day is an annual event that is celebrated worldwide on the 7th of April. It was first established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1950 to celebrate its founding and to raise awareness about important health issues facing people around the world. The first World Health Day was celebrated on April 7th, 1950, and since then, it has been celebrated every year to highlight a specific health theme. The aim of World Health Day is to raise awareness and promote action on global health issues. Each year, the WHO chooses a different health theme for World Health Day, and this theme shapes the activities, events, and campaigns that take place on this day. The purpose of these activities is to provide information, promote healthy behaviors, and encourage people to take action to protect and improve their health. Some of the main goals of World Health Day include: 1. Raising awareness about pressing glob
 KIP by SRK Parenting and Child Psychology Concept:- why important to deal a child when they come home from outside. Most parents are concerned about how to interact with their children when they come back home from outside. This is an important aspect of parenting, as it helps build a strong relationship between parents and children. Children are good observers and learners, and on a daily basis, they learn new things and want to share them with others, especially their parents. However, parents sometimes unintentionally neglect their children in this regard, leading to a gap in their personalities and behavior. It is crucial for parents to deal with their children properly when they come home from school or other activities. This means paying close attention to their children and engaging them in conversation about their day. By asking questions such as "How was school?" or "What did you do with your friends?", parents can learn about their children's intere
  KIP by SRK Knowledge is Power by SRK. Carrier Counselling Concept: Difference between Job and Career. While the terms "job" and "career" are often used interchangeably, they have different meanings. A job is typically a specific employment opportunity that someone is currently engaged in or seeking. Jobs may involve a set of tasks or responsibilities and can be temporary or long-term. They are often viewed as a means of earning income and fulfilling basic needs, such as paying bills or supporting oneself or one's family. However, not all jobs are uninteresting or lack purpose. For example, some people may have a job that aligns with their interests and provides a sense of fulfillment. A career, on the other hand, refers to a long-term professional journey characterized by a series of jobs, experiences, and achievements that build upon one another over time. A career typically involves a sense of purpose and direction, ongoing learning and development,
 KIP by SRK Parenting and Child Psychology Question:-  How to deal a newborn babies in front of existing babies. When a new baby is born, it's natural for the existing child to feel insecure. This can lead to personality and psychological gaps, which can have a significant impact on the child's development. Therefore, it's crucial to take the existing child into confidence and help them understand the importance of their new sibling. It's common for children to feel insecure when they see their parents giving more attention, love, and care to the new baby. To address this, parents should take the time to clarify and reassure the existing child that they are still loved and valued just as much. Parents can explain to their child that when they were born, everyone in the family gave them the same love, affection, care, and importance, but they were too young to remember it. Now, it's their turn to help take care of the newborn baby because the baby needs everyone'
  KIP by SRK Parenting and child Psychology. It's important to remember that every child is unique...! Subject: - Insecurity in Child's, Effects of insecurity, Causes and how to deal with it. Yes, this is a common factors in the child, regarding   childhood insecurity. it can apparent   in various ways, and having lot of causes and and can have long-lasting effects on a child's emotional and psychological position. Some of the effects of insecurity are shared below. Behavioural issue. Less Trust on their own abilities. Negative self-image NSI. Attachment issue. Anxiety. Social Difficulties. Behavioural issues:- Insecurity can put a huge effects on the behaviour of the child's, sometimes apparent   in challenging or disruptive behaviours, such as aggression, acting out or shouting. Low trust on their own abilities:-  This is a major issue in child if don't address properly then resultant in the way that don't trust on their own abilities. Every time fi
  KIP BY SRK Child Psychology, Concept:   Maintaining a positive eye contact with the child Mostly experience and practices shows that parents interact with their child with less focused attitude, which should create a lot of gaps in the personality of child. Maintaining positive eye contact with a child can have a lot of positive Impacts on the personality of the child and have a lot of positive aspects regarding the parenting long time relationship. 1.        Improve communication and comfortable in expressing 2.        Build a strong sense of trust and security 3.        Enhancing social skills 4.        Boosting self-esteem and recognition 5.        Strengthen the bonding of children and parents 6.        Best medication for carelessness behaviour of the child Confident communication: - Eye contact can help improve communication between you and the child. It notifies that you are listening and interested in what they have to share. It can also help the child

Child challanges v/s Parents Challanges

KIP by SRK Parenting and Child Psychology  Concept:- What does a child think?   Parents often forget that the way they think is not the same as their child. It is crucial for parents to understand their child's level of thinking and psychology at every stage of their life. Parenting is not just about educating a child; it involves training, learning, and educating parents to understand their child's thinking level. Most parents are busy with their practical lives, burdened with job pressures, new projects, business targets, and so on. This burdened behavior and attitude can have a huge impact on their child's personality, whether intentionally or unintentionally. At the same time, the child faces its own challenges, and parents must understand and help their child navigate these challenges. While building their own house may be a significant challenge for parents, a new school-going child may be facing a similar level of challenge in writing an "A". To deal with i